Saturday, October 14, 2017 nenolovesyou 0 Comments

Recently, I was gifted a super adorable 1920's ukulele. I've wanted one for quite sometime so I'm really excited to start playing! There's hand-painted palm trees on the wood with two little boys playing under them. It came in a beautiful antique ukulele box too.

Gotta admit, I'm still completely unsure of how to hold it! It's not held like a guitar but a little further up the chest. There's only 4 strings so it makes it a little easier to strum, although it's still rough on my fingers!

Outfit Links:
top: Jcrew, hat: Banana Republic, apricot skirt, Sandals: UGGS

I would definitely not consider myself musically inclined but I am excited and eager to learn how to play! What should I learn first, any ideas?

-Nesreen xo